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At Holywell, we use the PSHE Scheme of Work created by the Cambridgeshire PSHE Service. Our long-term plan and overview for PSHE, stating which units are taught in each year group, as well as PDF documents detailing the objectives covered in each can be found below:


Sometimes, the issues we teach and discuss, such as managing our emotions, particularly in relation to things such as loss and bereavement, means that it is useful to know if there has been a change in the children's personal circumstances that we need to take into account when teaching. If you feel this might be the case, we would encourage you to contact the school to make us aware.

Many of the issues discussed in PSHE lessons support and complement both wellbeing and safeguarding within our school community. As part of PSHE, the children are taught what a range of healthy relationships look like, who their trusted friends and family members are, what do to to ensure they are safe in range of contexts, including online, as well as how to raise a concern when they don't feel safe. At Holywell, keeping children safe is all of our responsibility, and if you have a concern about the safety or wellbeing of a member of our school community, we would urge to contact the school. Further details can be found in the safeguarding section of our website, accessible at the top of the page.