Relationships Education
As part of our PSHE programme at Holywell, we provide RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and understand the importance of working in partnership with parents/carers around this sensitive topic. Below you will find leaflets from the Cambridgeshire PSHE service and the DFE which provide clear guidelines of what RSE looks like at Holywell and where to find out more.
Parents/carers have the right to request that their child be excused from some or all of Sex Education delivered as part of statutory Relationships Education. In the first instance, parents/carers can contact their class teacher. Before granting any such request the Head Teacher and PSHCE Leader will discuss the request with parents/carers (and if appropriate with the child) to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the nature and purpose of the curriculum. We will record the discussion and the outcomes and offer support to parents/carers who wish to deliver Sex Education at home