Vision and Christian Values
Here at Holywell C of E Primary School we think of the education and experience that we provide the children with as:
Flowing, Strengthening, Deepening
and their classes as
Like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water
(Psalm 1:3)
The inspiration for this vision comes from the school's association with the Holy Well at St John the Baptist church in the village. We believe that like the water from the well the school should give children the opportunity to experience:
- Flowing - In God's love so that they can move forward with purpose but also with adaptability.
- Strengthening - In terms of their character and relationships as well as their skills and knowledge.
- Deepening - Learning about themselves, each other and the wider world. To experience learning at a meaningful level.
We believe that in this way the school can help the children to grow and flourish in the best possible way.
To help us to achieve this, we have a code of values that we all remember to aspire to and a curriculum which promotes the opportunity to do this.
Jesus is the inspiration for our Christian Values and these underpin our behaviour systems and are always reflected in worship and assemblies as well as in class. We remember them in pairs:
Courage and Perseverance
Making brave and positive choices and always trying to do the right thing no matter how difficult.
Friendship and Compassion
Always being a good friend to others and showing consideration for everyone and every part of the school.
Justice and Forgiveness
Making sure that things are fair for everyone and not holding things against people.
Generosity and Thankfulness
Sharing our time with each other and showing appreciation for the efforts of others.
Truthfulness and Trust
Being honest in all things and able to rely on one another.
Service and Respect
Helping others where and when we can and treating others as we would like to be treated.